Дискурс 10 (3):43-65 (
Introduction. Network diagnostic methods have an important advantage, which is the ability to integrate data from various scientific studies. In particular, the potential of the possibility of conducting diagnostics aimed at identifying the connectedness of the social and psychological characteristics of the accentuations of students of various fields of study is relevant.Methodology and sources. The conceptual ideas of various sciences involving the construction of a synthetic research methodology are used. The provisions of sociological science, social psychology and psychology on the nature, factors of formation and features of the manifestation of personality accentuations, as dependent on a wide variety of conditions, are integrated.Results and discussion. The obtained research results are presented in the form of accentuation networks, reflecting some features of the connectedness of accentuations. The main hypotheses of the study were confirmed, networks of accentuation of student journalists are built around mobile-emotional accentuations; networks of student managers are formed around aspirations to lead; networks of IT students are the most dense among the intellectual qualities and characteristics of students.Conclusion. Building networks of accentuation of students of various training profiles has a good prospect for the practice of diagnosis and correction of the educational process. Network modeling of the dynamics of the formation of students' accents as they study at the university provides a reliable basis for evaluating and managing the educational process.