The Work Environment is the place where employees spend part of their time working and ensures balance and satisfaction between their work, family and life. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence between work environment on job satisfaction in employees. Researchers used a quantitative approach, with a correlational type of research. In this study, the subject criteria were active employees working in early adulthood, male or female aged between 20 and 40 years. A total of 200 people were taken as samples with random sampling using the cluster random sampling method. The data collection method consisting of the Quality of Work Life Scale (QWL) created by (Sirgy et al., 2008) and developed by (Razak et al., 2016) was used to measure Work Environment and The Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) created by Spector (1994) and modified by Junaedi and Aisyah (2021) was used to measure Job Satisfaction. The results of this study also show that the contribution of the work environment to job satisfaction is 4.5%. However, other factors not included in this study also affect job satisfaction, so this factor accounts for about 95.5% of the job satisfaction variable. In addition, other results from this study show a significance value in the simple linear regression test of 0.002 (p<0.05). So it can be concluded that the results show that the hypothesis can be accepted, namely that there is a positive and significant relationship or influence between the work environment on employee job satisfaction.