The aim of this work is to present the triontic theory of the normal and pathological human psychism, elaborated by the Romanian psychiatrist Eduard Pamfil, and to highlight its deep connection with the Holy Trinity model of God. The main idea of the work is that mental illness, considered from a wider anthropo-phenomenological perspective, appears as the result of a deficit within interpersonal communication and, in a deeper way, of the lack of communion between human persons. According to Pamfil, the conscious human being is the result of the interaction of its three poles: I (ipseity), You (tui-ty) and He (ille-ity). Pamfil emphasises the inter-ontic nature of the person, its unity and uniqueness. I (ipseity), stands for the “archaic-primitive condition of the person”. You (tui-ty) stands for the “alter ego function”, the structural pole of personality. He (ille-ity) is the “systemic, axiological pole”. Thus, personality is a “mobile crossroad” between I, You and He, which are “moments of phenomenological subjectivity”. The psychopathological commentary of mental illness is made for three major clinical entities: neurosis, psychosis, psychopathy. The above presented theory is closely related to the Orthodox view of human person, who has its spiritual and moral model in the Holy Trinty of God. The modification of the triontic structure of the human person will lead to important changes in the existence of each person (I, You, He) within the trinitary relational system, among which mental illness is certainly the most significant.