Numerous great educationalists came up with their ideas and philosophy of education to place the education system in a perfect frame in the 19th century. Among all, Swami Vivekananda was the most influential and renowned theorist, educationist and reformer of India with his ideas and philosophy of education which is the efflorescence of moral and spiritual culture. Vivekananda was not only a great supporter of Vedanta but also he had given Vedanta a practical form. Vivekananda had foreseen the emergence of various social evils due to the imperfect education system in India. Swami Vivekananda’s ideas and philosophy on education try to analyze the relevance and need of his educational ideas and philosophy in light of the twenty-first-century education system in India. Finally, it attempts to explain education as a competent instrument to promote the imperishable development of the nation. According to Swami Vivekananda education is that which liberates one from negative tendencies and ignorance about one’s real ‘Self’. The goal is to manifest this divinity within, by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, by worship, or by psychic control, or by philosophy - by one, by more or all these and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, or forms, are but secondary details. There are great words of Swami Vivekananda. He argued that any nation had advanced only to the extent to which education and culture reached its masses. This is our philosophy for achieving the goal of life and becoming free. It is a legacy of the great Indian cultural heritage. This heritage visualizes an ideal Society nurtured and cultured by Spirituality. The educational philosophy of Vivekananda is rooted in the thought of Swami Vivekananda “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.” The schools provide an all-around holistic education and have been acknowledged for their substantial contribution to improving the educational scenario in these areas.