Introduction. The perception of death is inextricably linked with subjective experience, the feeling of the inevitability of this phenomenon. Theoretical analysis. Existential modes, such as fright, despair, fear, anxiety, actively studied in the corresponding philosophical trend, are the main aspects that determine this or that view on death in the context of personal experience of the phenomenon of the fi niteness of human existence. Modern reality makes its own adjustments to every phenomenon of human existence, however, the attitude towards death results from the infl uence of existential modes, formed by the emerging philosophy of existentialism, but perceived through the prism of the given of the 21st century. The purpose of this scientifi c work is to identify the structures and mechanisms of the infl uence of existential experiences on the perception of the phenomenon of death in the context of complex data of modern reality. To achieve this goal, materials of existential philosophy were used, primarily the works of the Danish philosopher Seren Kierkegaard. The concept of despair, which is important for this thinker, has a clear correlation with the psychological health of a modern person, in addition, the feeling of despair expresses an attitude towards one’s own death. Conclusion. The novelty of this work consists in identifying the dependence of aspects of existential philosophy in the formation of the perception of death in the modern world.