Ethical Perspectives of Scientific Persuasions: A Comparison between Science Academy meeting on Bt Brinjal of 2010 and the Asilomar Conference of 1975
This presentation discusses scientists‘ bioethical responsibilities with the outcomes of two meetings, the Asilomar 1975-recombinant DNA -conference and the Bt-brinjal-2010-meeting attended by the Scientific-Apex Body of India, the National Academies. The aim is to find whether the Bt-brinjal situation was discussed under the same diligent scientific-guidance as it was done in case of Asilomar-Conference-1975. If not, what was missing at the Indian meeting and is needed to be done before Bt-brinjal can be used for human-consumption?The Asilomar-Conference was aimed to consider whether to lift a moratorium on rDNA-research. The meeting concluded that rDNA-research should proceed under strict guidelines. These guidelines were set and later published by the National-Institute-of-Health-USA.Bt-brinjal was approved by the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee for commercial use following the review-reports submitted by the Maharashstra-Hybrid-Seeds-Company-Limited in 2009. Severe opposition was raised. A general concern was about the inadequacy and competence of Indian-science. In the context of the national opposition, Shri Ramesh called a meeting with the Presidents of six National Academies and other experts. The meeting was held and a document was prepared, which was found inadequate and immediately replaced by a follow up report. Neither report included further evidence for justifying ‗human consumption‘.Fact remains that Bt brinjal and other genetically modified crops/food have potential to help the world by removing hunger and in other ways. However, it needs scientific and social acceptance. The scientists of India are capable to do this and they must work on it