Germany, Europe, and the Politics of Constraint
Kenneth Dyson and Klaus H. Goetz: Living with Europe: Power, Constraint, and Contestation Jeffrey J. Anderson: Europeanization in Context; Concept and Theory Klaus H. Goetz: The Federal Executive: Bureaucratic Fusion versus Governmental Bifurcation Thomas Saalfeld: The Bundestag: Institutional Incrementalism Behavioural Reticence Charlie Jeffery: ; The German Länder: From Milieu-Shaping to Territorial Politics Gunnar Folke Schuppert: Public Law: Towards a Post-National Model Oskar Niedemayer: The Party System: Structure, Policy and Europeanization Rainer Eising: Interest Groups: Opportunity Structures and Organizational Capacity Katrin Voltmer and Christiane Eilders: The Media Agenda: The Marginalization and Domestication of Europe Kenneth Dyson: Economic Policies: From Pace-Setter to Beleaguered Player Martin Lodge: ; Competition Policy: From Centrality to Muddling Through? Simon Bulmer, David Dolowitz, Peter Humphreys and Stephen Padgett: Electricity and Telecommunications: Fit for the European Union? Markus Haverland: Social Policy: Transforming Pensions, Challenging Health Care? Rudiger K. W. Wurzel: Environmental Policy: A Leader State under Pressure? Jorg Monar: Justice and Home Affairs: Europeanization as a Government-Controlled Process Alister Miskimmon and William E. Paterson: Foreign and Security Policy: On the Cusp Between Transformation and Accomodation Kenneth Dyson and Klaus H. Goetz: Europeanization Compared: The Shrinking Core and the Decline of 'Soft' Power.