Der fragende Sokrates. Überlegungen zur Interpretation platonischer Dialoge am Beispiel des Menon
I discuss the "theory of recollection" in Plato's Meno (81a–86c). Socrates' comments on the "geometry lesson" (85b8–86c3) are used to support the claim that, in a Socratic dialogue, we ought to differentiate between between non-committal and committal questions (= those implying a commitment of the questioner). It is then argued that the "theory of recollection" is no Platonic doctrine: Socrates uses Pythagorean material against Meno who is acquainted with the Pythagorean tradition and whose eristical argument against the possibility of learning is meant to be refuted by the paradoxical consequences about the slave-boy's learning Meno is made to admit.