The formulacognomen + nomen, as portrayed inLatronis enim Porcii(Sen.Controv. 1praef. 13), the first double-name reference withoutpraenomenin Seneca the Elder's work (henceforth referred to simply as Seneca), emerged as a result of the radical changes which the Roman onomastic system began to experience at the end of the Republic. On account of a wide variety of factors, both social and linguistic, thecognomenseized the role of diacritic name and individual signifier, having oustedpraenomenfrom its ancient throne; the relatively limited number ofpraenominain common use contributed substantially to their waning. The formulae of two constituents visibly reflected the progressive decline ofpraenomina; during the Early Principate double names still represented the usual formal means of reference (tria nominabeing highly formal, mostly occurring in official contexts), but it mostly consisted ofnomen + cognomenrather thanpraenomen + nomenorpraenomen + cognomen. The formulanomen + cognomen, which developed once personalcognominabegan to spread among the lesser classes, was primarily crafted for addressing men of ambiguous status,peregriniand freedmen. Thus, Cicero tends to avoid its use in naming members of the nobility, whom he refers to with a clear preference for the older, lustrous conjunctionpraenomen + cognomen.