Interaction and motion produce change. Change produces time relation. Changes and interchanges develop differences. Changes and differences unite and divide the two frames of time the past and the future, in the present. The relational effect of change in time is expressed in motion and in the information it produces. The time relation develops in patterns which are alternations and repetitions. Alternations produce external conditions. Replications produce internal conditions. The alternating and recurring patterns of change, the respective external and internal conditions they develop and the information they produce configures evolution inorganic, organic, biological and human. Using this information the human mind converts sensory actions to motor reactions and so manages human interactions. Human interactions, kinetics and derivative information organize the human mind, develop intelligence and determine human logic and psychology. Information is extended into communication and organized into knowledge. Knowledge develops into technology and economy which are used by human beings for the management and organization of their interactions and the development of personal and community life, culture and civilization.