While some researchers argue that theories and abstract knowledge are unreliable bases for teachers' work, a wide range of research stresses the need to overcome the gap between theory and practice, or abstract academic knowledge and experience-based knowledge. Here, Silvia Edling maintains that it is relevant to ask why the relationship is necessary in the first place and in so doing revive the notions of teacher seeing in education. The purpose of this article is to contribute knowledge about the role of teacher vision by turning to how two different theoretical researchers, John Dewey and Hans-Georg Gadamer, approach the notion of vision and its related concepts in relation to science. Aided by a hermeneutic conversation, the article provides a roadmap of similarities and differences between Dewey and Gadamer that can facilitate more nuanced reflections and deliberations among teachers and educational researchers on the meaning and usefulness of stimulating a broad and deep repertoire for teacher's professional vision.