Augustinus 63 (250-251):349-384 (
The text of Eph 4:3, is part of the Augustinian antidonatist dossier. It is a text that St. Augustine discovers and meditates after his episcopal ordination, making his first appearance in the epp. 43 and 44. It is a text that Saint Augustine is going to refer to in some occasions, together with other texts, particularly that of Gal 6:2, this connection is done always in an antidonatist context. Along with the antidonatist elements, St. Augustine presents in his commentary of the text of Eph 4:3 some interesting images of the Church. In this article some of these images are presented, such as the Church as the Ark of Noah, Bathsheba as an image of the Church; the Church as a Woman who is dressed with a Polymitus; the Church as the House of God; the Church as the Moon; the Church as God’s Field, and some other images.