In this, the May‐June 2023, issue of the Hastings Center Report, articles and short pieces explore ethical issues found in the field of bioethics’ expanding boundaries and issues involving people who have been pushed to society's boundaries. In the lead article, Valerie Moyer, Amanda Zink, and Brendan Parent argue for allowing transgender kids to compete on sports teams that accord with their gender identity. Theodore Schall and Jacob Moses take a historical look at gender‐affirming care in the second article. They argue that a categorical distinction between trans and cis gender‐affirming care is unwarranted and that it draws on (and reinforces) unjust social attitudes about transgender people. The third article, by Coleman Solis et al., makes the case that, due to the economic, professional, and underlying social status of home care workers, the home care industry is not structured to provide the sort of care that should be its goal. And the last article, by Samuel Director, makes a carefully specified argument against the policies of nursing homes and similar facilities that prohibit residents who have dementia from engaging in sexually intimate interactions.