It is not necessary to explain the scientific thoughts of Erol Güngör as a social psychologist who conducted
research in this area solely, because his opinion about science extended the kind of studies. He has an
exact aim with his worldview that constructs his scientific thought that includes solving his own public
problems and setting ways to convert the problems into activity which is called problem-solving. Thus,
his thought is that develop a worldview and study for scientific research. The position includes that sci
ence and philosophy are together opening new discussions about rethinking the topic of psychology. In
his view, the topic of social psychology is about public issues that are bonded to own public intrinsically.
In this point, the conclusion is that a social psychologist should be both a scientist and a philosopher. It
means being “münevver” in his vocabulary. Otherwise, it will be incomplete for problem-solving because
of studying for research with only methodological purposes. That's why his claim is important because
of constructing a new path about science within Turkish and Islamic thoughts. In this study, the main
claim is that when Güngör’s thoughts are evaluated with the philosophical science and the existence of the
social-culture dimension, his cases converted to scientific problems within social psychology and argued
to solving within the problem-solving activity.