What is Science? Is Business Administration a Science?
Science, according to the current Turkish Dictionary, the cause, curiosity and the purpose of feeding as a phenomenon divided into many sub-branches, people to achieve better living conditions, non-existent to find the facts and to learn new things is the generalization. Science, which investigates the reality and purpose of existence, requires systematic thinking. Since was initially perceived as synonymous with philosophy and it was developed by philosophers and ensured the shaping of philosophical questions. Science has continually improved since the creation of humanity, and in the history of science, others have taken the place of the collapsing laws as a result of experiment and observation. Thus, science has evolved with increasing momentum in time and has developed and created many new sciences. This change caused the holistic approach to science to be replaced by specialization. However, in time, the approaches that have taken place in science have increased both specialization and distinction in science with the increase of interdisciplinary relations and led to the emergence of new disciplines as well as new disciplines. In this context, an important knowledge accumulated in the field of management, and in the 1900s, scientific approaches in management and management has emerged as an interdisciplinary discipline. Regardless of the management that defines management and management as a field of application which is directed to the business organizational structure, there are significant developments in scientific knowledge accumulation as an eclectic discipline. In this study; in the context of scientific method, scientific method, scientific method, in addition to the art direction of management, scientific qualities are tried to be put forward.