Masjids, which are the center of collective worship in the religion of Islam, besides being a temple, it used to be school, hospital, public kitchen, guestroom, headquarters, court and meeting room and so on in the first centuries of hijri, and furthermore they became the center many religious, political and social functions. Prophet Mohammad's (peace be upon him) encouragements on the importance and virtue of performing prayers collectively enabled Muslims to pray together in mosques. There were children next to the adults in the ranks kept in masjids and mosques and they also participated in the educational activities. When the hadith sources are researched from this point of view, some rumors (riwâyât) were encountered about keeping children away from the mosques. In the mentioned rumors, it is requested that not only children but also insane people, those who trade, those who speak in a loud voice, those who argue, those who draw swords at each other, are kept away from the mosques. Also according to this rumors, al-hudûd crimes shouldn’t be carried out in the mosque. Considering the size of the present study, it is limited to the rumors that include keeping children away from mosques. In this study, the takhrîj of the mentioned rumors were studied and they were criticized in terms of isnâd and matn. In the context of this method, if any, narrators who criticized in the integrity of isnâd have been determined, al-jarh al-ta‘dil status of the relevant narrators and the effect of this situation on the authentication of the rumor has been figured out in this study. While researching the rumors, the fundamental hadith sources are taken as a basis for this study. The ultimate goal of the study is to determine the authentication of the mentioned rumors in terms of both isnâd and matn. At the end of this study, it was concluded that the mentioned rumors were weak in terms of both isnâd and matn.