The subject of the article, which is based on the concept and practical methodology of using the space of the museum exposition as an educational one, is the activities of the Moscow Memorial Museum "Losev's House". Particular attention is paid to the analysis of such educational resources of a new type offered by the Losev House as the Scientific Library, Online Lecture and Study Day at the Museum; within the framework of each of these forms, its general educational potential and advantages are analyzed in comparison with the traditional forms of teaching philosophy within the walls of an educational institution of a conventional type. Based on the results of the study, fundamentally new opportunities for increasing the effectiveness of philosophical education through the active formation of the educational motivation of a museum visitor or a learning individual through immersion and interactive interaction are identified and analyzed. In conclusion, an assessment is made of the educational activities of the "Losev's House" within the framework of the general socio-cultural genesis of the domestic society, its actual opposition to the multiple tendencies of cultural primitivization. The article concludes that, having a pronounced discursive character, philosophy, being presented in the educational space of the Losev House Museum, receives additional original opportunities for deploying this discourse. Represented in the educational space of the museum, philosophy, as an established system, from its content side, acts as a harmony and balance of its own objective and subjective aspects. A full-fledged philosophical education cannot be limited only to educational practices, it is necessary to include the upbringing of the culture inherent in philosophy and independence of thought. In the era of modern information culture, which implies the possibility of providing quick access to any necessary information, the emphasis in the learning process is shifting from the previous forms of its direct transmission to the formation of appropriate learning motivation, immersiveness and interactivity of new forms of learning provided by the educational space of the Losev House Museum.