The article is devoted to the analysis of transformations of social practices and the corresponding forms of personal identifi cation. The article defi nes the concepts of "practice" and "social practice", and indicates their important components. The author asserts that standardization, massifi cation and virtualization are signifi cant trends in the transformation of social practices and personal identifi cation. The problem investigated in the article is that changes in the structure of society determine the need for an individual to adapt to them through the use of social practices. Thus, the transformation of the conditions of social existence entails a change in the social practices implemented by a person, and, as a result, the transformation of his or her personal identifi cation. The purpose of the work is to identify the essence of standardization, mass production and virtualization as trends in the transformation of social practices and personal identity of an individual. The methodological basis of the work is a logical analysis that allows us to determine the infl uence of the trend of transformation of social practices on the achievement of personal identity by a person. The scientifi c novelty of the work lies in the substantiation of the connection between the transformations of a person’s social practices and the transformations of the forms of his or her personal identifi cation. It is argued that the basis for such a transition is the development of technical means that fundamentally change the conditions of human social existence.