The study aims to fill a conceptual gap that occurs between Nietzsche’s free spirit and the appearance of Übermensch. Nietzsche has been recognized as an exceptional scholar in the history of modern philosophy and in many domains of contemporary analysis. To date, Nietzsche remains one of the most challenging thinkers of all time. Much attention has been paid by academics to Nietzsche’s major philosophical works such as the concept of Übermensch (Overman), will to power, the death of God, and his critique of Christian morals; however, his views on free spirit have received little attention. He affirms that the free spirit is achieved; however, it is not his ultimate ideal. As the free spirit continues to grow and expand, substituted by the Übermensch, we must aim toward the ultimate goal. He often expressed his thoughts in parables and metaphoric style rather than obvious reasoning. This makes it more challenging to demarcate the key arguments in Nietzsche’s writing.