This paper aims to show issues raised by lacanian psychoanalyses concerning the
reasons of the phenomenon of aggressiveness, mainly due to the frequency of this
phenomenon in education. In this paper, it was intended to highlight the philosophical dimension of the problem, since we are using basically the dissertative method. Lacan
takes Hegelian and Marxist legacy to develop the thesis of aggressiveness as realization
of a dynamic introduced from the gaze and that has its modus operandi in the
movements of alienation and non-alienation. The aggressiveness illustrated, for
example, by the injuries suffered by teachers shows itself as a tentative to cause the fall
of the Other, this fall is considered as the object a of which its appearance is regulated
by the Oedipus Complex. Namely, both the way how the parental authority figures are
inscribed in the significant chains that compose the individual and how this inscription
shapes the existential possibilities of interaction with the opposite sex would be the key
to foresee the extent the individual makes use of aggressiveness. In this way, the
Oedipus complex, reinvested by the event of puberty would be responsible for the
displacement of the libido one time to the ´Other´ and other time to the own subject.
The Other, in the theoretical development of Lacan that follows the decade of 1960,
comprehends the identifier choices and also what escapes from any identification. The
Other, as a teacher, has the role of positioning itself to generate intuitively one process
of identification and has the delicate function of sustain the dialectic that emerges in the
moment where the Other falls, moment which usually comes after the identification and
that happens with a joy capable of unveiling the object a. Although the role of education
is not to maintain an auscultation to this object, the education can influence its nonexclusion
and make this object be contoured with the advent of singularities. In this
moment, the explicitness of the rules which education constitutes itself as well as the
empathy from the educator can be a fundamental instrument in education like the
subject to be taught. From the text, we can conclude that: we need to put the
aggressiveness in our speech as via of achievement of the non-alienation process
conjugated with the possibility to support the desire.