The article places its reflections in the precise point where management, business ethics and leadership converge. After considering and making reference to the latest publications at the international level on the ethical dimension of leadership, the article focuses on a certain type of leadership, so to speak, qualified, adjectival: that which emanates from the perspective offered by the spirituality of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and the Company of Jesus, to which so much interest has been paid in recent times. The approach to the topic is specifically oriented from a perspective of Moral Philosophy, which leads, in conclusion, to underline the constitutively ethical dimension of the human person. From this anthropological reality emerges, on the one hand, the condition of possibility of the proposals of moral content to which to abide in the decision-making; on the other hand, the need and inevitability of having to go each one of oneself in a certain way -good, bad, excellent, mediocre, lousy- at the same time that each one is leading himself -through his behavior-, do things and make decisions... Third, that moral structure must also be understood as the condition that allows us to affirm that, from a Philosophical Anthropology consideration, we all are leaders -at least, of ourselves-; that, consequently, we are also responsible for what we do and how we are doing, when acting; and that, finally, all this connects with the keys that lead to the so-called Ethics of Virtue.