The paper deeply explores the Eurasianism and the neo-Eurasianism, which is formed in its ideological basis. Works of Russian ideologists representing the Eurasianism idea, such as N.Danilevsky, N.Trubetzkoy, V.Lamanski, P.Savitsky, A.Panarin and A.Dugin are critically analyzed. Russian Eurasianism is identified as a doctrine trying to prove the Eurasian hegemony of Russia and as a politico-ideological system of Russian fundamentalism. It is implied that Eurasianistic platform has been unilateral from its earliest emergence striving for justifying the imperial politics of Russia and had not been able to escape from its partiality. However, Russia as a Eurasian state could gain an opportunity of favorable participation in the process of partnership among states in this region by relinquishing its claims to be an absolute dominant power both of Europe in Europe and Asia in Asiа.