This article aims to find out the relation between secular and atheistic spiritualties underlining the only one that seems to be able to suit the knowledge society. We analyze several texts of main classical personalities of both spiritualities, such as Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche and Comte Sponville, among others. Some of the essential elements of an atheistic spirituality are specifically discussed: critical spirit and rationality, centrality and sufficiency of human beings and their release from submission and exploitation, and a will without limits instead of laziness. However, the main objective is to highlight that there is a culture of absolute dimension of reality beyond the religious traditions. We also intend to point out that culture, in changing societies, requires, as Corbí suggests, a new anthropology, of an animal who talks, with a dual access to reality. We also point to the existence of a new epistemology, beyond the previous mythical paradigms, allowing the merely free and symbolic use of mankind wisdoms. Finally, it is a question of survival of humankind and of its environment