Eliminating Objects Across the Sciences
In Thomas Pradeu & Alexandre Guay (eds.),
Individuals Across The Sciences. New York, État de New York, États-Unis: Oxford University Press (
An eliminativist view of objects in physics has recently been defended in the context of “ ‘ontic structural realism.” This chapter explores the extent to which a similar eliminativism can be articulated and defended in the philosophy of biology. Obviously the motivations are very different, but a range of issues can be identified that pull us away from an object-oriented stance. Various metaphysical resources can then be deployed to help assuage concerns regarding such a move, and the chapter considers two in particular: a version of truthmaker theory and a form of monism. The development of such resources in the biological context offers a number of interesting avenues of exploration, particularly if we take biological lineages to provide the appropriate grounding in each case.