Abhishiktananda's Non-Monistic Advaitic Experience
Dissertation, University of South Africa (South Africa) (
The French Benedictine monk Henri Le Saux sought to establish an Indian Christian monasticism, emphasizing Hindu advaitic experience. He understood advaita as both nondual and non-monistic. Using phenomenology and comparative philosophy, this thesis explores his understanding and experience of advaita, comparing it to both traditional Hinduism and neo-Vedanta, as well as to Christianity and Zen Buddhism. Abhishiktananda's description of his experience is examined in relation to perception, thinking, action, ontology and theology. Special attention is given to comparing the views of the Hindu sages Raman&dotbelow;a Maharshi and Gnanananda, both of whom influenced Abhishiktananda. ;Abhishiktananda believed that advaita must be directly experienced; this experience is beyond all words and concepts. He compares Christian apophatic mysticism and Hindu sannyasa. This thesis examines his distinction between experience and thought in relation to recent philosophical discussions. ;Abhishiktananda radically reinterprets Christianity. His affirmation of both nonduality and non-monism was influenced by Christian Trinitarianism, interpreted as an emanation of the Many from the One. Jesus' experience of Sonship with the Father is an advaitic experience that is equally available to everyone. Abhishiktananda believes that the early Upanishads report a similar experience. A monistic interpretation of advaita only developed later with the "dialectics" of Shankara's disciples. In non-monistic advaita, the world is not an illusion. Using ideas derived from tantra and Kashmir Saivism , Abhishiktananda interprets maya as the sakti or power of Shiva. He compares sakti to the Holy Spirit. ;Abhishiktananda distinguishes between a pure consciousness experience and a return to the world of diversity in sahaja samadhi. Raman&dotbelow;a and Gnanananda make a similar distinction. Sahaja samadhi is the state of the jivanmukti , the one who is liberated while still in the body; it is an experience that is referred to in tantra and in Kashmir Saivism . Abhishiktananda never experienced nirvikalpa samadhi , but he did experience sahaja samadhi. ;The appendix provides one possible synthesis of Abhishiktananda's understanding of advaita using the ideas of C. G. Jung