Patients and their physicians frequently make important health care decisions with incomplete information. Memory fails; records are incomplete; the onset of significant events is confused with other life stories; and even the most basic information about medications, laboratory tests, allergies, and problems is often the result of guesswork. As providers and as patients, we suffer because information vital to health care is not available when and where it is needed. Data required for care are dispersed across various settings and represented in a range of formats; incentives to bring these data together do not exist.In recent years, four specific approaches have emerged to address patient-centered information access. The first model attempts to consolidate all care into a single care delivery and financing system. This model — prevalent in many European countries — is to some degree extant at Kaiser-Permanente and other integrated care and financing systems. This model is ideal if and when one organization is responsible for all care delivery and financing. Such models present “one-stop shopping” for managing health information, coordinating care, communicating with providers and support groups, and ensuring both payment and accountability.