Managing business ethics: and your career
Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications (
I wrote ManagingBusinessEthicsandYourCareer to achieve multiple objectives, primary among them is to help students develop their ethical compass as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the countless ethical challenges they will face during their working lives. Many business ethics textbooks emphasize philosophical or legal perspectives, which students often criticize for being too academic or theoretical-in other words, impractical and boring. Although philosophical and legal perspectives are important, this book provides a far greater emphasis on managingethicsatwork. It is applied and practical and thus prepares students to be conscientious contributors to their employers, communities, and global society. This text focuses more on the implications of business ethics for students' careers and the organizations where they will work. Ethical conduct and its evil twin, unethical conduct, makes or breaks individuals, departments, organizations, countries and can impact the world. This emphasis on application makes it easier for instructors to engage students by delivering ethics in a context that is real, interesting, and personally valuable for students. Another objective is to help students avoid the negative impact that unethical individuals and organizations can have on their professional lives. This book provides knowledge and tools, if not also inspiration, for students to lead by example and be more ethical themselves, thereby improving their own lives and the lives of the people they work with and influence. These objectives stem from my deeply held conviction that business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability are first and last matters of individual choice. Employers have tremendous influence on the conduct of employees, but organizations are comprised of people, and it is the leaders and other employees who make organizations ethical or unethical. It starts and ends with people-their choices and their behaviors. This book intends to make it easier for students to do the "right thing," even when it is difficult.