The philosophical point of view of Richard Heinrich Ludwig Avenarius (Habermann) (19.11.1843-18.08.1896) is still little mastered and represented in philosophical thought in modern Russia.
However, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, it inspired many minds of that period. The views of Avenarius were studied by Lesevich V.V., Tronin V.V., Gurevich A.V., Chelpanov G.I., Filippov M.M., Viktorov D.V. and others. Due to historical circumstances, the time for an unbiased understanding of the concept of Richard Avenarius has stopped for a century. Until now, the publications of Russian translations of his works exist only in pre-reform spelling. Now it is possible to go forward again to Avenarius, so it is relevant to consider how his philosophical discoveries originally appeared and spread in Russia.