Hermes 147 (1):42 (
This article aims at throwing light on the connection between the municipal élite of Lanuvium and some members of Rome’s senatorial aristocracy. In particular, from the examination of the sources, a picture of a close tie between the Caecilii Metelli and the gentes Lanuvinae becomes apparent, allowing one to suppose that a patronage relationship existed between the powerful family and the municipium already in the 2nd century BC. At the beginning of the following century, the city of Lanuvium openly supported Silla. The attitude of the Lanuvian community is characterized by the involvement of the Licinii Murenae in the Mithridatic War alongside the dictator. Further indications of the presence in the municipium of the Caecilii Metelli, particularly devoted to the poliadic goddess Iuno Sospita Mater Regina, can be found in the background of these events.