Granì 5:130-133 (
On the basis of the study and indepth analysis of littleknown sources investigates the problem of organizational transformation production structures in agriculture in Bulgaria in the second half of 1980th is also based on an analysis of historiography, especially the works of Bulgarian historians of the ways of development of agricultural production relations based on historical experience of development. It was found that the theme of agrarian relations in Bulgaria in the second half of 1980th is the use of noneconomic methods of management, business units piecemeal reorganization of agriculture, declared support for individual farms. The character of contradictions in the development of the agricultural sector in Bulgaria in 1980th. The article examined the chronological order in which the BCP reinforcing a monopoly right to own and dispose of the material means of production, including land management, which, in fact, significantly affect the nature and form of industrial relations and the strengthening lack of rights agricultural producers. The publication in historical perspective reveals the dynamics of change in the nature of industrial relations in the agricultural sector during the period of 1985 – 1989th. It should be noted that the agricultural sector the leading Bulgarian economy and the type of relations depends on agriculture, in particular, and the livelihoods of the state in general.