n three overtures on economy, ecology and >echo-logy< of attention this paper introduces Aristotle's conception of economics. In particular, in Giorgio Agamben's theological-patristic reading of the oikos and the double theoretical movement of a politicization of the oikos and an economization of the political. In the background of a totalitarian concept of budgetary thinking. In Agamben's interpretation, the form of intimate household and domesticity itself becomes a threshold phenomenon - which this paper refers to as the oikos of alterity, indicating a necessity of incorporating Oikos' figures in political life and its economization as well in political order. In a second opening coming from fin-de-siècle debates on cinematic distraction the paper shows the critical discourse of socio-cultural techniques of attention and media of modernity while facing the rise of the media of cinema and internet can be described as transitions in attention economy. A third opening introduces in economic metaphors of attention analysed and their move from modern economic theory into biology and Cognitive Sciences. Finally, a recent metaphorologic shift from economic metaphors of attention to acoustic resonance and ecology metaphors of attention, starting with the >echo-logical< attention metaphor of Yves Citton, is hinted on.