Analyzing Avicenna’s Bases and Arguments on Immortality of Soul
Avicenna believes human soul has an immortal life. While believing immateriality of soul he denies eternity of soul and believes human soul was created as incorporeal being. He made some argument in most of his books on justifying the problem. Some of his bases in this problem are; immateriality of soul that the human soul need to immaterial eternal Wisdom, that the eternal Wisdom don’t destroys human soul and other bases. Avicenna justifies immortality of soul. What is core of all of his argument and seen directly or implicitly is simplicity and immateriality of human soul. Aristotle’s thought effect on Avicenna’s idea in this problem. While some successful of Avicenna’s argument in immortality of soul, It has defects one of them is; week explanation of developments process of soul. This defect was considered in Molla-Sadra’s thought.