The heroic epic reflects the attitude, thoughts, and dreams of each nation. It seems like a peculiar repository, which accumulates values, expectations, and worldview forms of the nation. Being the result of a synthesis of mythological and historical ones, the epic contains not only its traits but also philosophical outlook. Specifically, the philosophical concerns are very important and precious, as they express the main nature of the being and give answers to the question of a fundamental principle of the world, especially the concept of substance. The purpose of this article is to inference ontological notions hidden in layers of Armenian national epic. The investigation of national epic from such aspects opens widespread ranges for discovering its mysteries. In the heroic epic, the Armenians reflect not only their past but also their statements about substantial principles, the mutual relation between the matter and the spiritual. In the Armenian epic "Daredevils of Sassoun" the water is a fundamental substance which gets its property only by the will of supernatural forces. Thereby, the Armenian epic "Daredevils of Sassoun" expresses a peculiar conception which is directly related to ontological issues.