HUMAN DESTINY AT THE END OF SPACE […AND TIME] The common idea of time and space that we still have is surely due to Newton. Space, similar to a plank, is the entities on which and within take place all facts of the world, while time is the fundamental reason of self‐identification and self‐ comprehension. With Einstein come to lay the foundations for the revolutionary concept whereby space and time do not exist. All this – and it is the fundamental reason for the unusual form of connection between physics and philosophy – can achieve extraordinary, speculative, acquisitions: a) the end of traditional metaphysics; b) each time this make‐space, how about the existence of the entities/objects only as of the effective possibility in their interrelationship, is preceded by a radical absence of being: there is existence only in the effectiveness of all this; c) that the Being of Western Tradition, being no longer something of a pre‐writable in its pre‐existence, being instead led, each time, of probabilistic, not causal, interrelations, opens to a new meaning of ontology as de‐ontology. A de‐ontology where being can be said only closed in the logos, in this‐logos‐here as the way of a strategy of man in his interrelation with the world.