This slim volume comprises the text of the three Baumgardt Lectures on Monotheism and Ethics delivered by Goodman at the Oxford Center for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies in Oxford and at Yarnton Manor in January 1978. Chapter One, "The Logic of Monotheism," argues that the development of the monotheistic idea is inextricably tied to issues of morality, that is, to the emerging idea of God as "the absolute and unconfined summation of all values." Chapter Two, "The Existence of God," presents Goodman's version of a rationalist understanding of God as "the ultimate explanatory principle of the world" which is Itself explicable only by reference to Itself, and is hence, absolute, infinite and perfect. Chapter Three, "Monotheism and Ethics," is clearly the pinnacle of Goodman's study for which the first two chapters provide the infrastructure. Here Goodman asks: what possible bearing can an absolute and infinitely transcendent Being have on human morality? He argues that the derivation of morality from our concept of divinity ceases to be a problem once it is recognized that the concept of a monotheistic God is itself a product of our developing sense of what is moral. How a God who is the embodiment of absolute perfection implies moral obligation Goodman discusses through an extended phenomenological analysis of the Jewish idea of mitzvah, primarily the command that we recognize each person's subjecthood as the moral equivalent of our own. The rest of the chapter deals with the problems involved in deriving specific moral decisions from this "universal moral principle."