It is analyzed social roots of beggary, the concept «professional beggary», changing of the society attitude to beggary in a historical context, problems of overcoming of this phenomenon in modern conditions. In general, historical experience suggests that factors in the spread of begging as a social mass phenomenon in society may be: the presence of a positive public perception of the image of a beggar - the object of alms as a form of social assistance and tolerance of begging as a way of life; existence of a sufficient layer of poor constantly replenish bench beggars; availability societal risks that may deprive a person of all means of subsistence; there is a real possibility of sustaining collecting alms; relative attractiveness of begging in economic terms as an alternative to employment opportunities and provide decent living on alms; weak state social policy on the prevention of beggary. These and other factors that affect the existence, distribution begging deserve a variety of special studies.