[author unknown]
AUTHORS AND TITLESGodehard Link, Introduction. Bertrand Russell—The invention of mathematical philosophy, pp. 1–28.W. Hugh Woodin, Set theory after Russell: The journey back to Eden, pp. 29–47.Harvey M. Friedman, A way out, pp. 49–84.Sy D. Friedman, Completeness and iteration in modern set theory, pp. 85–92.Kai Hauser, Was sind und was sollen (neue) Axiome?, pp. 93–117.Gerhard Jäger and Dieter Probst, Iterating Σ operations in admissible set theory without foundations: A further aspect of metapredicative Mahlo, pp. 119–134.Solomon Feferman, Typical ambiguity: Trying to have your cake and eat it too, pp. 135–151.Karl-Georg Niebergall, Is ZF finitistically reducible?, pp. 153–180.Tobias Hürter, Inconsistency in the real world, pp. 181–189.Michael Rathjen, Predicativity, circularity, and anti-foundation, pp. 191–219.John L. Bell, Russell's paradox and diagonalization in a constructive context, pp. 221–225.Peter Schuster and Helmut Schwichtenberg, Constructive solutions of continuous equations, pp. 227–245.Kai F. Wehmeier, Russell's paradox in consistent fragments of Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, pp. 247–257.