The colorful worldviews of our contemporaries are a manifestation of world-wide processes in the world, which are usually defined through the concepts of "globalization processes", "information day", "postmodern instruction" and are accompanied in particular by such negative additions as "global problems of humanity", "information gluttony" "," the loss of faith in the reasoning of mankind and its historical progress. " The latter should also include the loss of faith in the true meaning of life, the world, history and, as a consequence, the lack of faith in the guaranteed prospects of achieving a proper state of being. It is clear that these problems are in one way or another rooted in the spiritual realm, since the absence or irrelevance of the foundations of the worldview can lead to information bewilderment, alienation from the world, loss of self-identity and a harmonious and holistic vision of being in its multiple vector time parameters. Obviously, it is religion itself, and the Catholic Church in particular, that has historically developed and proven tools for restoring a human belief in the true, valid foundations and perspectives of human life. After all, religious organizations themselves have a keen interest in their relevance in the modern world, as their future will depend on it.