Cut-free single-pass tableaux for the logic of common knowledge
We present a cut-free tableau calculus with histories and variables for the EXPTIME-complete multi-modal logic of common knowledge. Our calculus constructs the tableau using only one pass, so proof-search for testing theoremhood of ϕ does not exhibit the worst-case EXPTIME-behaviour for all ϕ as in two-pass methods. Our calculus also does not contain a “finitized ω-rule” so that it detects cyclic branches as soon as they arise rather than by worst-case exponential branching with respect to the size of ϕ. Moreover, by retaining the rooted-tree form from traditional tableaux, our calculus becomes amenable to the vast array of optimisation techniques which have proved essential for “practical” automated reasoning in very expressive description logics. Our calculus forms the basis for developing a uniform framework for the family of all fix-point logics of common knowledge. However, there is still no “free lunch” as, in the worst case, our method exhibits 2EXPTIME-behaviour. A prototype implementation can be found at which allows users to test formulae via a simple graphical interface