Metaphysics of personality is seen as a complete and viable process of development of philosophical thought in Russia, intensified by interferences, polemic, and discussions. It is demonstrated that the reception of the major principles of European personalist tradition was accompanied by the development of original Russian concepts and the search for new foundations of the metaphysics of personality within the framework of neo-Kantianism, personalistic philosophy of education, metaphysics of all-unity, G. Fedotov’s philosophy of culture, and N. Berdyaev’s existentialist personalism. It is revealed that each of the analyzed Russian thinkers has attempted to solve the problem of the metaphysical “justification” of man’s personal dignity in his own way. The existentialist trend in Russian personalism, which is a characteristic feature of Russian metaphysics of the epoch in question, has been revealed. The research which includes comparing historical and philosophical positions of the representatives of the national metaphysics gives sufficient reason to regard their work as an important and integral part of the history of European personalist philosophy of the 20th century.