Ritorno a Dio. Bonaventura e Von Hildebrand
This paper, written in honor of the “800 years from the birth of Bonaventure”, underlines the affinity of the philosophy and the theology of Bonaventure, General Ministry of the Franciscan Order, with the perspective of Dietrich von Hildebrand, father of the realist phaenomenology. It is delineated a curious correlation between the two authors that have been able to generate a real revolution of love. The epistemic structure and the ontology of Bonaventure are caracterized by a structural unity that through an itinerarium lead to the visio Dei. On the other hand von Hildebrand in What is philosophy? construes a strong epistemology in which the “evidence” and the “experience” of external realities play a fundamental role in reaching the perfect knowledge. A return to God is encouraged by two philosophers through the search and the veri cation of the phamenological facts that constitute and characterize the human being.