The scientific conception of change and motion raises two fundamental questions: Is there any evidence that the temporal order of events cannot legitimately be postulated to be continuous in Cantor's sense? Is it possible to account for such distinguishing properties of time as its possession of an "arrow" on the basis of assuming that events constitute a continuous type of order in Cantor's sense, and providing a coordinating definition for the ordering relation "later than"? We must raise these questions, since at least four philosophers of the present century have denied the compatibility of the temporal structure of actual events with the order defined by Cantor's linear continuum and have held that a description of physical change which is based on the latter type of order is incompetent to account for the "arrow" of time and for such features of actual events as the latter involves. The philosophers in question are Henri Bergson, William James, Alfred North Whitehead and Paul Weiss. Each of these thinkers makes reference to Zeno's paradoxes of motion in setting forth his arguments.