Félix Guattari visited Japan on a number of occasions during the 1980s. These visits consisted of invited lectures and a series of conversations and collaborations with Japanese intellectuals, artists, and architects. His collaborative writings with Deleuze, particularly the Kafka and Rhizome books, began to appear in Japanese translation in the late 1970s. By the mid-eighties, however, Anti-Oedipus was available for Japanese readers. The year 1985 saw the publication of Guattari's conversations and co-authored papers with Japanese dancer Min Tanaka collected under the title of Velocity of Light, Fire of Zen: Assemblage 1985. This was followed in 1986 with the translation of Guattari's jointly authored volume with Antonio Negri, Les nouveaux espaces de liberté. In the same year, the colourful volume Tokyo Theatre: Guattari in Tokyo appeared. This volume includes the present translation. It also contains multiple contributions by leading Japanese intellectuals, especially ‘neo-academicist’ types like Akira Asada who were inspired by Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy in the first two volumes of Capitalism and Schizophrenia.