Ideology and its unsaid: the invention of the word and the invention of the notion As a neologism, the invention of “ideology” is justifiably attributed to the French Idéologues,and to Destutt de Tracy in particular. However by defining the scope of the term as “the science of man”, de Tracy broke with the political metaphysics which was in the process of being formulated in the 1770s and 80s, and which came to dominate the legislative debates between 1789 and 1794. The present article examines the reasons for the marginalisation of de Tracy’s notion at this time. The emphasis is placed on the strategic dimension of the attested usage of the pseudo-concept of ideology in the context of the Directoire, itself a period which was strongly marked ideologically. This approach to the history of concepts enables us to reappraise the question of the invention of ideology and its reception by the young Marx.