Complex natural resources issues including sustainable agriculture require diverse stakeholders to take voluntary and even coordinated actions. Social learning is a critical process for stakeholders to navigate differences in knowledge, values, and ways of knowing while building trust and coordination capacity. Integrating the social learning approach along with social networks, well-proposed, well-designed, and effectively facilitated stakeholder engagement events can promote bridging and information exchange by capitalizing on stakeholder interests and formal and informal interaction opportunities. We collected survey data before and after a stakeholder engagement event for a USDA Long-term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) site in the summer of 2022. A total of 76 individuals participated in the event coming from diverse groups in the agricultural community, including representatives from agribusiness, extension, farm advisers, farmers, nonprofit organizations, state and federal agencies, and university-affiliated researchers and staff. We conducted two-mode network analyses for participant interests and evaluated connections with other stakeholder groups before and then again after the event. We also explored emerging information exchange ties along with the levels of similarity of these new ties. We found that participating stakeholder groups shared an interest in having greater connections to farmers. Many of the new connections were across affiliation groups and people with different views suggesting opportunities for information exchange. Results demonstrate the value of stakeholder engagement events based on stakeholder interests for facilitating the formation of bridging ties that support social learning.