The aim of the current investigation is to analyze the writings On Kingship in the context of sole rulership in Antiquity. Writings On Kingship first appeared in the time of Alexander the Great and flourished during the Hellenistic period, but there are although some treatises written under Roman rule during the Imperial period and in Late Antiquity. Starting point of the analysis is to understand the treatises On Kingship as a literary genre. By taking into account the authors, the addressees, the implicit readers, and the content as well as the literary form it can be shown that the writings On Kingship played an important role in the always difficult communication between kings and Greek cities during the Hellenistic period. As the communicative contexts changed during the Roman Imperial period and in Late Antiquity, the treatises On Kingship lost their original social function. Therefore, the sporadic writings originating from post-Hellenistic times can be understood as a case of failed literary reception.