Hermes 142 (2):181-205 (
In exod. 752-782 the anonymous author of the „Heptateuchos“ closely paraphrases the Decalogue section of the Biblical book „Exodus“ (Ex 20, 1-17), while simultaneously accentuating the obligatory nature of the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament for Christian readers by cautiously reworking the underlying text. In pursuit of this goal, he opens up the exclusive contractual relationship between JHWH and his people (Israel) and proclaims a universal God who addresses His Commandments to the whole of humankind. Furthermore, the paraphrase is more insistent than the Biblical base text on a personal internalisation of the Commandments promulgated in the Decalogue. This tendency is based on Jesus’ understanding of the Tora. This approach is deeply embedded in the text by the many references to the NT, and particularly to the Sermon on the Mount.