That I shall never meet myself coming towards me is clearly true. It will never happen. But, Weiss notwithstanding, there is a real need to bother with a demonstration. For that he can say of the assertion above, that it is both absurd and material and that its denial is material and certain, significant and indubitable, this makes at least one of his readers feel unsure of the grounds for his claim. In one philosophical tradition Weiss would appear to have mixed the logical levels of his predicates. And while the error may turn out to reside in that philosophical tradition and not in Weiss's argument, nothing less than a demonstration one way or the other will settle the matter. If what he says is true, then a demonstration of his point should offer no difficulties. But, it might be argued that if Weiss's claim is a material one, then it cannot be logically certain. If, on the other hand, it is indubitable, then it cannot be material.