In Stephan Hartmann & Ulrike Hahn (eds.),
CogSci 2020 Proceedings. Toronto, Ontario, Kanada: pp. 981–986 (
Conditionals pervade every aspect of our thinking, from the
mundane and everyday such as ‘if you eat too much cheese,
you will have nightmares’ to the most fundamental concerns
as in ‘if global warming isn’t halted, sea levels will rise dramatically’. Many decades of research have focussed on the
semantics of conditionals and how people reason from conditionals in everyday life. Here it has been rather overlooked
how we come to such conditionals in the first place. In many
cases, they are learned through testimony: someone warns us
about the ill-effects of cheese. Any full account of the conditional must consequently incorporate such learning. Here, we
provide a new formal account of belief change in response to a
testimonial conditional.