While most discussions of political realism in the West draw their inspiration from thinkers such as Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hobbes, they were far from the only political theorists developing such an approach. Rather, we see realist approaches to politics not only in a vast array of European thinkers throughout history, but also in a diverse range of non-European traditions. One such thinker, whose ideas have largely been lost to the contemporary world, was the Chinese philosopher Shen Dao, who focuses on the sources of political resentment and the necessity of eliminating them as a prerequisite to a strong and stable society and state. This essay develops Shen Dao’s argument that resentment arises not merely when people’s desires are not fulfilled, but rather when there was an expectation that they could have been fulfilled and works to demonstrate how he envisions eliminating sources of resentment in the political sphere. In doing so, this essay engages with much more prevalent Confucian views, demonstrating that Shen Dao presents a trenchant criticism of one of the very bases of Confucian political philosophy and, indeed, any political theory that develops itself from moral foundations.